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Natural Knee Pain Treatment With Chiropractic Care

Written By De Groot Chiropractic Orthopedics on March 14, 2022

person with knee pain

Do you suffer from knee pain? Dr. De Groot has seen thousands of patients with varying degrees of knee pain. You may be surprised to learn that millions of Americans suffer from it, whether it is a result of old age or an accident.  At times,  sports or our jobs can put unwanted pressure on our knees;  other times, genetics can play a part in how strong our joints are.

If you suffer from knee pain, you can do something about it. De Groot Chiropractic Orthopedics in Wilmington, DE, has nearly 40 years of experience treating knee pain with expert chiropractic care.

Should I See a Chiropractor for Knee Pain Treatment?

Many people believe that chiropractors only deal with issues pertaining to the spine and neck. This isn’t true! Chiropractors treat an array of other issues, and offer physical rehabilitation and therapy for other areas of the body, including the legs and knees.

There are several reasons to see a chiropractor for knee pain treatment:

  • Chiropractors are experts in the anatomy of your joints and muscles
  • Chiropractic care treats knee pain without the use of painkillers, making it non-addictive
  • Pain sometimes does not get better with time
  • Chiropractic care is often covered by most insurances

How Dr. De Groot Treats Knee Pain

We understand that not every patient is the same. The treatment that is appropriate for one patient may not necessarily be right for another. That is why we analyze each patient’s condition orthopedically, conducting a thorough physical evaluation of your knees, as well as your lifestyle issues. We examine your range of motion and work to get you back to doing the things you love.

Many of our patients love sports and getting outdoors, which is hard to do if you suffer from knee pain. We take great care in performing professional adjustments and physical rehabilitation to get you back on your feet.

Knee Pain Treatment in Wilmington

If you suffer from knee issues, you aren’t alone. If you are ready to get back to doing the activities you love, schedule an appointment at De Groot Chiropractic Orthopedics. Contact our office in Wilmington directly at (302) 475-5600.

Posted In: Chiropractic Knee Pain